Israel and the Jewish people
Shalom aleichem - Peace unto you

”We may not have oil, uranium or other coveted natural resources, but we have the 'Jewish brain' and our joint,
strong commitment to Israel - and these have brought us quite far over the last 60 years in terms of education,
technology and economics.” Former IDF Chief of Staff, Moshe Ya'alon
The long history of Israel shows extraordinary events:
the eventual deliverance of Israel from Egypt;
the occupation of Canaan;
the kingdom of Israel ceases to exist;
the Destruction of Jerusalem (A.D 70);
Jews gradually absorbed into world empires;
prejudice against, hatred and persecution of Jews in Europe;
the Holocaust;
return of Jews to Palestine;
May 15, 1948.The state of Israel declared;
Jerusalem divided 1948 - 1967;
1949.Israel declares Jerusalem as the capital;
1967, 7 June.Israel captures East ( Arab) Jerusalem and raise the Israeli flag on Temple Mount;
1967.Reunification of Israel.
Despite it's remarkable achievements, a first world infrastructure, high-Tech innovations, and a thriving democracy present day Israel struggles with hostile Arab neighbours,
the Israeli-Palestinian conflict, attempts to bring Israel to a state of collapse, the Arab desire to destroy Israel, the illegal expansion of settlements
in Palestinian occupied areas, Jewish nationality, anti-Zionist propaganda and anti-Semitism. As a matter of fact, Israel's struggle to survive begins in 1948.
This surely predicts a troubled and grim future for Israel. On the contrary, Israel and the Jewish people will survive. The Jews are God's chosen people and the land belongs to Him.
The Bible indicates God's revelation, intervention, involvement and presence in all of the events past, present and future of Israel and the Jewish people until that ultimate day,
when, "Behold, saith God, I will make a new testament with the house of Israel:..." Jer. 31:31 - 34; Heb. 8: 6 - 13; 10: 15 - 22. God's divine purpose will then be completed.
Festival of Sukkot (Sukkos)
Sukkot Infographic. All you need to know about the festival.
Hino de Israel Hatikva-The National Anthem of Israel
Hatikva (Ha Tikva - The Hope)
Kol od baleivav p'nima
Nefesh Y'hudi homiya
Ul'fa-atey mizrach kadima
Ayin L'Tziyon tzofiya
Od lo avda tikvateynu
Hatikva bat sh'not alpayim
Lih'yot am chofshi b'artzenu
Eretz Tziyon v'yirushalayim.
As long as deep in the heart,
The Jewish soul still yearns,
And towards the east
An eye to Zion looks,
Our hope is not lost,
Our hope of two thousand years,
To be a free people in our own land
In the land of Zion and Jerusalem.

The Temple Institute
The Temple Institute's ultimate goal is
to see Israel rebuild the Holy Temple on Mount Moriah in Jerusalem,
in accord with the Biblical commandments.
They need your support