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The Islamic Antichrist

By John Preacher


God has begun to reveal that Islam will play the central role in
the events of the last days. This book is meant to give you a
basic understanding of those events which will play out. God told
the prophet Daniel that the true understanding of his prophecy,
would remain sealed until the time of the end.
Daniel 12:9-10 And he said, Go thy way, Daniel; for the words
are shut up and sealed till the time of the end. Many shall purify
themselves, and make themselves white, and be refined; but the
wicked shall do wickedly; and none of the wicked shall
understand; but they that are wise shall understand.
As God unseals the understanding of the Last Days, we as a
Church must not be ignorant of the Devil’s plans. We must
expose them to the light of God’s Word. This new understanding
of end time events is sweeping across Churches through many
mighty men of God, like Joel Richardson, whom God has
anointed to bring this understanding to the Churches.

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