UFOs - An Introduction
We are most probably not the only beings in the universe interested in other planets and heavenly bodies. Based on reports and various sources of information our very own planet is visited by different shapes of unknown unidentified flying objects and mysterious entities believed to be visitors from space.
The UFO Phenomenon
UFOs, do they really exist ?
Based on thousands of reports it seems as if there is no question as to the existance of UFOs.
Someone said: UFOs are unmistakably painted together with the oldest human paintings on walls found
inside caves of France, Spain and other places all around the world. They are also accurately engraved
on an ancient monument at Abydos in Egypt. They are noticeably depicted on Middle Age paintings as
There are countless detailed descriptions of UFOs from the early dawn of human civilization in places
like ancient of the Pharaohs in Egypt, ancient Sumeria, China, Japan, Australia, etc. Ancient historians
narrated the encounters of Alexander the Great with UFOs in India and Phoenicia. The ancient Vedic book called
Mahabharata describes them in many details, among them their shapes and their ray weapons which had a power and
effects only comparable to the thermonuclear ones we now know –– they called them ‘Vimanas.’
As if that was not enough, there are many contemporary newspaper articles which were exclusively dedicated to UFO to
the flaps which took place in the USA during the 1800, in which they described the same exact phenomenon witnessed
later on –– they even draw them with the usual shapes of “flying saucers” and “cigars”.
Cecilia Valenzuela goes on by saying:
Many believe that these UFO sightings are for real and that our government has not given us the real truth about them
and that they continue to cover them up.
Look around and you will find an endless list of people who will tell you that they more than just believe in unidentified
flying object sightings. You will also easily find many people who have had personal experiences with extraterrestrials.
There have been many who have dedicated most of their professional lives covering such stories. Many of these same
individuals have also spent their time writing, researching and speaking at special conferences and educational institutions.
If you are old enough to remember the event in Roswell, New Mexico that still has people talking, then you probably know
that many firmly believe that this UFO incident was nothing short of a cover up.
Read more on this page
The beginning of the modern UFO era
On 24 July 1947 Kenneth Arnold reported sighting 9 unknown flying objects over Mt. Renier in the USA.
See his story here
Since then thousands of UFO sightings have been reported. In 1947 UFOs were called "flying saucers." It is claimed that sightings
of UFOs date back to ancient times.
UFOs - Where these objects come from
The majority of UFO supporters believe UFOs come from alien inhabited planets.Some say they come from another
dimension of time and space.Others say that the earth is hollow. Inside the crust of our planet is something very much
like a valley containing a mysterious world.Highly advanced civilizations of this world could be behind UFOs.
Many christians believe that Satan and his demons are the creators of UFOs.
There are rumours that UFOs are highly secret aircraft of the USA and various countries, which means UFOs are
designed and developed in secret.
From my own point of view:
There is no acceptable explanation for these objects and there is no evidence to show where these objects are created or
who is behind it.
UFOs - only a small number of UFO sightings puzzling
The Center for UFO Studies ( CUFOS) says that "any given number of UFO reports, about 5% - 10% , are truly puzzling."
The majority of reported UFO sightings prove to be misinterpretations of natural phenomena, such as planes, spyplanes,
satellites, planets, etc.
Some of the reported sightings seem to be products of hallucinations, vivid imaginations, hoaxes,..
A mind thing
UFOs and Aliens A mind thing?
Are these objects spiritual of nature?
Search for life ( extraterrestrial life and other forms of life ) in the universe
Some people believe that these so called UFOs are not physical at all. Rather they are metaphysical in nature.
Metaphysical is the only word science can use without actually saying “spiritual.” This is another way of saying that
they are not ETIs but most likely they are ECIs or “extra celestial intelligences.”


