Close encounters or contact with aliens
Dr. J.Allen Hynek founder of of CUFOS divides ENCOUNTERS into 3 different categories:
a) Close Encounters of the First Kind (CE- I).Though the witness observes a UFO nearby, there appears to be no inter- action with either the witness or the environment.
b) Close Encounters of the Second Kind (CE- II).These encounters include details of interaction between the UFO and the environment which may vary from interference with car ignition systems and electronic gear to imprints or burns on the ground and physical effects on plants, animals and humans.
c) Close Encounters of the Third Kind (CE- III).In this category, occupants of a UFO - entities that are humanlike "Humanoids" or not humanlike in appearance - have been reported.There is usually no direct contact or communication with the witness. However, in recent years, reports of incidents involving very close contact- even detainment of witnesses - have increased.
Some Ufologists mention Close Encounters of the Fourth Kind (CE- IV), Fifth Kind (CE- V ), etc.
Elizabeth Klarer and others
Elizabeth in her own words had a serious relationship with an alien called Akon.He was from the planet Meton. From Elizabeth's words Akon's outward appearance was very much humanlike (european); tall ( about 2 meters), had long hair and talked to her in perfect english.
Her story takes us to Betty Hill who claimed to have visited an alien colony situated in the Zeta Reticuli constellation. "Zeta Reticuli is a faint pair of fifth magnitude stars 220 trillion miles away. The pair is unusual in that it is the only known double system where both components are nearly identical to our sun. Their distance from one another is estimated to be 350 billion miles or nearly 100 times the distance from Pluto to the sun. At least 100,000 years are required for Zeta Reticuli 1 and Zeta Reticuli 2 to revolve once around their common center of gravity. The two solar systems are positioned at such an extreme distance that one would not disturb the other.
One thousand stars exist in a radius of 55 light-years from us; which is the distance just beyond Zeta Reticuli. Within this sphere: these thousand stars come in various sizes, temperatures, ages and colors. We should keep in mind that a vast majority of suns are not like our own. Our star is in a small minority of a large and diverse crowd. Suns are green, purple, red, orange, blue, small and white, flickering, expanding, variable, huge, very active or dim and weak. Most suns are not single suns, but binaries and other combinations of multiple systems. Out of our neighborhood of a 1000 assorted stars, only 46 are similar to our middle-aged, yellow sun.
The small, grey aliens that abducted Betty and Barney Hill explained that the solid lines on their map were 'trade routes' or places they stop regularly. The broken lines were their expeditions. Ms. Fish believed that our sun was possibly on one of their trade routes. With this assumption, a corresponding pattern was found! Read more about the story of Betty and Barney Hill here
Actually, 16 stars fit the pattern; Zeta Tucanae is located directly behind Zeta Reticuli 1 and therefore not in sight. Betty Hill's star map is believable because these are not just any 16 suns. They are all YELLOW, except for Tau Eridani 1 and Gliese 86.1 which are slightly above and below the parameter of yellow suns. The conclusions of investigating astronomers indicate that these were Zeta Reticulans seeking out yellow stars. They were traveling to places similar to their home world." Source: World-Mysteries.com


