Floral Cutout Cards

Spring is all about nature at its best. For all your spring/summer entertaining, Mother's Day, May Day parties, birthdays
and anniversaries, here is a simple and easy-to-make card. Use it for Invitation Cards, Thank You notes, place cards,
pretty Mother's Day cards or general use cards.
Handmade paper cards in bright spring colors (make your own by folding a handmade paper sheet vertically).
Envelopes to match.
Green, Yellow, Pink, Blue, Red strips of paper (Use purchased sheets or magazine cutouts).
Punches - Round, Petal Shape (optional).
Craft Glue.
Paint Brush to apply glue.
1. Use punches or scissors to cut out petals and leaves from old magazine pages in various bright colors.
2. Use a round hole punch to punch out some circles for the centers of the flowers.
3. Apply glue to the base of a petal with the help of a paint brush. Place the base of another petal over it at an angle and press.
Go on adding 5-6 petals in a similar way till your flower is ready.
4. Apply glue to the back center of the prepared flower and stick it on the card.
5. Take a round punched circle and glue it to the center of the flower. Use a contrasting color which stands out. For e.g.
pink center for a yellow flower or a yellow center for a blue or red flower.
6. Use some green petals to make leaves. Glue them around the flower to add color to the card.
Note: When gluing the petals and leaves to the card, do not apply glue on the entire surface of the petals and flatten them
on the card. Instead, apply glue only on the horizontal center-line of the petal so the petals and leaves look like cutouts.
Voila! Your bright and sunny little card is ready to go out and send your invitations and thanks and best wishes!