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An Overview of Italy for Travelers
Vatican City
Plan of Pompeii


Travel The World

Pompeii is a ruined Roman city near modern Naples in the Italian region of Campania

It was destroyed in the eruption of Mount Vesuvius in the year 79 AD. When the volcano exploded, the entire city was covered in layers of ash and other volcanic matter. It was not rediscovered for 1,600 years.In 1599, there was an accidental discovery by the architect Fontana who was trying to dig a new course for the Samo River. Although the city was found at this time a serious attempt to dig up the remains of the area was not attempted until the year 1748. Later, archaeologists theorized that some of Pompeii may have been dug up in 1599, but when erotic frescoes were discovered, the nudity caused early discoverers to rebury the area.
In the 1860's, an excavator named Giuseppe Fiorelli found that there were pockets in the ash he was digging through and that these represented places where people had died.
He came up with the technique of injecting plaster into these holes (left by the decomposition of the human bodies) and was able to find out much more about how the Pompeiians lived and died.
As the eruption left many of the residents of the town unable to escape, much of their life was left intact. Some died while in the process of everyday activities.
The houses found preserved a complete picture of 1st Century AD life. The bath houses, private houses, and streets, covered quickly with the ash from Mount Vesuvius, were left exactly as they looked when used during this era.
Art on the walls of homes and in the streets were preserved, allowing future generations to see the tastes and true ways of life that early Italians had.
Graffiti was even found, allowing historians to see just what real street Latin looked like. Pompeii was preserved in the height of its popularity and wealth, and its riches were evident from what archaeologists found there.

Plan of Pompeii Go Here