UFO Sightings (Worldwide) 1
UFO sightings are a worldwide phenomenon. Sightings of UFO's occur in many countries, towns, cities, on farms,....
even in space.
UFO Sightings Page 1 (You are now on this very page)
Pilots call for new UFO investigation
They have been dismissed as weather balloons, aircraft and satellites, but a group of aviation experts is now demanding
the US government start taking UFOs seriously.
"We believe that for reasons of both national security and flight safety, every country should make an effort to identify
any object in its airspace," said a statement from the 19 former pilots and government officials from around the world.
The subject of UFOs came up in a recent debate among US presidential candidates, with Democrat Dennis Kucinich
saying he once saw a UFO - making him the object of ridicule and jokes by late night television comedians.
Skeptics say UFO sightings are merely aircraft, satellites or meteors re-entering the Earth's atmosphere.
But the pilots spoke to a sympathetic audience of UFO "believers", describing their encounters with unexplained
objects in the sky.
France opens secret UFO files
Paris -France became the first country to open its files on UFOs on Thursday when the national space agency unveiled
a website documenting more than 1 600 sightings spanning five decades.
The online archives, which will be updated as new cases are reported, catalogues in minute detail cases ranging from the
easily dismissed to a handful that continue to perplex even hard-nosed scientists.
"It is a world first," said Jacques Patenet, the aeronautical engineer who heads the office for the study of "non-identified
aerospatial phenomena".
Known as OVNIs in French, UFOs have always generated intense interest along with countless conspiracy theories
about secretive government cover-ups of findings deemed too sensitive or alarming for public consumption.
"Cases such as the lady who reported seeing an object that looked like a flying roll of toilet paper" are clearly not worth
investigating, said Patenet.
But many others involving multiple sightings in at least one case involving thousands of people across France - and
physical evidence such as burn marks and radar trackings are taken very seriously.
A phalanx of beefy security guards formed a barrier in front of the space agency (CNES) headquarters where the
announcement was made, "to screen out uninvited UFOlogists", an official explained.
Of the 1 600 cases registered since 1954, nearly 25% are classified as "type D", meaning that "despite good or very
good data and credible witnesses, we are confronted with something we can't explain", Patenent said.
United Kingdom - Files released on UFO sightings
Secret files on UFO sightings have been made available for the first time by the Ministry of Defence.
The first eight of 160 MoD UFO files have been opened at the National Archives, thanks to the Freedom of Information Act.
The documents, which can be downloaded from the National Archives website, cover the period from 1978 to 1987.
They include accounts of strange lights in the sky and unexplained objects being spotted by the public, armed forces
and police officers.
Welsh UFO sightings made public
Secret Ministry of Defence (MoD) files detailing sightings of Unidentified Flying Objects (UFOs) in Wales have been
made public for the first time.
They are among hundreds of sightings of UFOs across the UK released in eight MoD files to the National Archive.
Detailed accounts of sightings over Anglesey, Aberystwyth, Cardiff and Swansea are included in the files.
They cover the period from 1978 to 1987 and have been released as a result of Freedom of Information requests.
The information can be downloaded from the website of the National Archives for free for the first month. There will be
almost 200 files released in total over the next four years.
First UFO sanctuary opens in Russia
The center of abnormal triangle is situated in the middle of Ural taiga in the place called Molebka, 125 miles away from
The sanctuary is going to have a monument to Russian alien in the center. They say, it is going to be done by one
famous Russian sculptor. A UFO museum and an observatory are going to be situated nearby. The cupola of the headquarters will look like the flying plate.
The sanctuary administration is going to spend 5 million dollars for the project.
70 % of the sum will be donated by Region Administration, the rest is planned to be invested by local investors.
People will keep on visiting Molebka, whether we like it or not. Every year 450 thousand tourists visit Perm region,
half heading for abnormal zone”.
Perm abnormal zone (known also as M – triangle, Perm triangle and M - zone) is situated on the left bank
of the river Silva between the villages Molebka and Kamenka on the border of Sverdlovskaay and Permskaya
region. It is famous for a lot of abnormal events going on there. The zone occupies about 44 miles.
A lot of mythological legends spread around Molebskaya zone. They offer explanations of the mysteries going on in
this place, descriptions of people meeting aliens and even talks about the “Gate to Shambala” that is situated on one
of the hills.