UFO Sightings (Worldwide) 3
UFO Sightings Page 3
United Kingdom - Files released on UFO sightings
Secret files on UFO sightings have been made available for the first time by the Ministry of Defence.
The first eight of 160 MoD UFO files have been opened at the National Archives, thanks to the Freedom of Information Act.
The documents, which can be downloaded from the National Archives website, cover the period from 1978 to 1987.
They include accounts of strange lights in the sky and unexplained objects being spotted by the public, armed forces
and police officers.
*Dr David Clarke doubt the disclosure of these files will convince those who believe there is an official cover-up.
*But, now the X-files have been opened, what do they actually tell us? The answer is disappointing for those who believe
the British government has been concealing evidence of visits by aliens.
*Her Majesty's government has never been approached by people from outer space.
*Even though the files don't prove there's life on other planets, they're really interesting because they show what sort
of weird things people think they've seen.
Coming from the secret files - This is how persons described the UFOs they had seen
Most of the sightings were made by ordinary people, including police officers, pilots and schoolchildren

Bright light.....Hovering then rapid acceleration
A bright comet like shape in the sky.....Moving steadily
Looked like space debris entering atmosphere
White bright object
Cigar shaped.....very bright object, blue and orange......Stood still then faded as if moving away
Flashing lights, green, red, white.....Clear sky, but stars visible
Flashing lights, brigther than stars
Dome shaped, white
Saucer shaped, white lights at front, blue lights at rear with a red and white light in each corner
No sound or smell
Bright star, exceptionally large reddish stationary.....Several times the magnitude of Venus
Cigar shaped, different coloured bright lights
Brightly coloured object hovering in sky
Object or very bright light, diamond shaped with points joined by a halo. Halo had a pinkish tinge
Bright white rocket or meteorite type light
Silver object flashing, very bright
Long balloon shaped
Stationary orange coloured circular object
A large white light, brighter than 3 car headlights in intensity
Disk with cone underneath revolving fast, grey in colour
Circular red and white bright lights
Oval shaped, very bright, white, yellow
Red flashing light, no noise
White light hanging in sky
Explained and Unexplained
Dr David Clarke says: "As I leafed through hundreds of official UFO report forms it became obvious the vast majority
of sightings could easily be explained.
For example, staff and customers at a pub in Tunbridge Wells reported seeing a UFO with "red and green flashing
lights" moving across the sky. When asked to describe the direction of movement their answer was "Gatwick".
Aircraft, bright stars and planets, satellites and space debris all stand out as the most common explanation for UFO
A small number have been revealed as hoaxes or hallucinations.But a hard-core of 5-10% continues to defy explanation."
Fascination for UFOs and life on other planets grows
Meanwhile, public fascination for UFOs has continued to grow. In 1999, a survey for the Daily Mail found that 49% of
the UK population believe that life exists on other planets and 29% believe that aliens had already visited Earth in flying