The Mahindra
Early days of the Mahindra

"Nicht klecken klotzen" With this principle. "Don't fiddle, smash!" Germany's army had marched through Poland, Norway, Denmark and then around the highly fortified Maginot line into France. "Blitzkrieg" was born and in a few yearsit took the world by storm. Like a linebacker, they smashed through and and ran straight for the prize. The home cities.
They moved so fast that defensive lines had no time to reorganise. Broken and confused, the defenders were soon clumped into groups, surrounded and enveloped. This marked a new ara of combat, a war of mobility which would be adopted by Germany, Italy and Japan. The only way to stop the blitz was to outmanoeuvre it. It was here that one rugged car made a world of difference. By using a light vehicle that was fast enough over uneven terrain, the Allies could catch up to the German advance as they burst through.
Exhausted and depleted, the German forces had to buckle and once they were bogged down in the snow and mud, the wolves had their prey. Today, the Mahindra is still built on the traditional principles of those trusted combat designs, focussing on durability, manoeuvrability and rugged power. However, our designs are not only based on the strength of those very first Allied vehicles, we adopt a small piece of German philosophy as well: "Don't fiddle, smash!"
Mahindra and Mahindra
Factory set to open - 1945
It seems the brakes are off in India's run towards solidarity and industrial revolution. In a bold move towards self- government, factories such as the Mahindra and Mahindra steel factory are set to begin operation in India, indepen- dent of British authority. This is a new development, which pushes the Indian drive for solidarity and seems to mirror the earlier fears of Mr. Churchill, that with the ending of the war, Britain stands to lose the majority of her colonies ultimately leading to vast unemployment for British colonialists worldwide. Already this new company stands to cost British steel a lot of business by favouring the use of French manufac- tured steel for governmental contracts, claiming that it is superior.

In addition, the company has revealed plans to branch into the automotive industry, manufacturing ans developing on American designs. The company states that with a few modifications, the American Jeep is the only car that will be able to overcome the rough terrain features od India, especially the kutcha rural roads. In a press release, K.C. Mahindra, one of the founding members of Mahindra, also unveiled plans for the company to develop it's own line of agricultural vehicles.India has been in the news a lot as of late. Spurred by Mr. Gandhi's policies it now seems that the Indian spirit of freedom is branching into the industrial sec- tors.
This company has become a symbol of the bargeoning sense of independence felt by throughout India and we expect to see a lot more developments in the near future. Commenting on the current situation in India, a prominent politician stated that "To try hold onto India is futile, if the war has shown us anything it's that nothing can stop a people with passion and a just cause." The announcement of the opening of the factory was made yesterday and is set to take place early in October this year. Sunday, September 2, 1945.