Malignant mummy banished by British museum after spreading death and injury
The story about the malignant mummy appeared in the Day Book, May 11, 1914, Last edition. And was written by Mary Boyle O'Reilly. The malignant mummy of the British museum has finally met her fate. Edgar Davies, photographer at the immense treasure house, told how and why. "Do i seem a sensible man?" "Then believe me or not. But do not scoff. I am still afraid of the mum- mied priestess of the sun. Listen. Ten years ago a great English landowner brought the mummy from Egypt to adorn his hall. Report declared that of the mummy's five discoverers two had almost immediately lost their fortunes, one had suffered ampu- tation of an arm, one had been blinded by an explosion and one met a mysterious death.
Within six months the Englishman's fortune was lost on the stock exchange. Worried by misfortune, he grew nervous about the mummy and presented it to the British museum. That week his luch changed. He is again a rich man. Within a month, of the four porters who carried the mummy into the Egyptian room, two were dead and one had broken his arms. I knew the men and their stories, but i laughed at the legend.
"It became my business to photograph the Priestess of Aman-Ra. The camera discovered that the mummycase was inscribed with a hoary curse. More surprising still, a photograph of that bland wooden face developed as that of a fierce, malignant woman. I laughed while i took that picture. I few weeks later i was blind. "A clergyman who came to comfort me to told this story of the Egyptian princess. He had taken 20 children into the museum, advising them not to tarry in the Egyptian room. But one girl saucily stuck out her tongue at the malign mummy. Next day the child was armless from a motor accident.
"I could tell you fifty similar stories. There was no hiding the horrors of such happenings. Attendants in the Egyptian depart- ment petitioned the museum trustees. Two of them had died mysteriously, since the arrival of the mummy. The rest lived in fear.